In today's Blog, we will understand what is on-page SEO and what is off-page SEO?
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So let's do one thing, let's understand this Blog with a new twist.Normally you must have heard that types of SEO means on-page and off-page.So what are black hat and white hat?.Are these types?
So I will give you all the questions to all these answers in today's So as I said, today we will talk about on-page and off-page SEO.So before that, let's talk about what is on-page and off-page?Are these types of SEO or techniques?So see, on-page and off-page are the types of SEO.The way we use
But if I talk about black hat or white hat SEO, then these arethe techniques of right way and one wrong way.So the way means techniques.So that's why I would like to say that black hat and white hator the way I talked about grey hat,these are all techniques of SEO.But if I talk about types of SEO and if someone asks you,let's say the interviewer asks you,that tell me what are the types of SEO?Then you have to answer on-page and off-page.And one more thing we will talk about is technical.So these are the types of SEO.I hope this little confusion would have been clear to you.But at the same time, I will tell you some things so that thisconfusion will be more clear to you.So now we are going to talk about types of SEO.So the third technical word I have just said, I am putting itaside.Now I will talk about the main thing here, that I will talk abouton-page SEO and off-page SEO.So first of all, let's talk about why this differentiation isthere,what are these two things, because SEO is SEO, so what is on-pageand off-page?So now here, what is our SEO?SEO means that we optimize our website, web pages according tosearch engines.
On-page SEO
According to the search engine, we can say that we make themsearch-friendly,so that our website, our business,it ranks at the top whenever someone types related keywords inany search engine.So now whenever we start SEO, the question arises, how do wedo SEO?So see that SEO or I will say that optimization,which we do on our website, on our web pages,or you can say that optimization which is in our control,we call it on-page SEO, that SEO which is on your pages,whether I talk about its structure, that is, I talk about HTML,or I talk about its content, I talk about its URL,means the things that you can control, what do we call them?On-page SEO, okay?
Off-Page SEO
Now on the other hand, I talk about off-page SEO,so off-page SEO means that optimizationwhich you do outside your website,that is, we do it on other websites, on other servers,we call it off-page SEO.Now let's talk about their techniques,what techniques are used in on-page SEO and off-page SEO,what methods are used?So again, two types of techniques are used in on-page,one white hat, one black hat, okay?Both black hat and white hat techniques are used in off-page.So I hope now you are getting a little clearerwhat is on-page, off-page, and what are black hat, white hat,grey hat?So what is on-page, the major techniques used in on-page
On page Seo use
Off page Seo use
If I talk about off-page SEO,then in off-page SEO, whenever we make a website,we paste the URL of that website in another website,or get it pasted,then making backlinks,that is, through another website,we have an audience, doing all these things,apart from that, increasing domain authority,we do all these things in off-page,apart from that, increasing the reputation of our business,increasing the reputation of the website,all these things, all our off-page techniques,how will we use them,there will be some black hats, some white hats,and we have to do a gray hat,so how will we do it,so these were our off-page and on-page-